This is a message I received from my Divine Guidance:
Any belief that is perceived from within the physical dimension and human mind is relative truth. It is a truth that takes you on the path to the Divine Truth, or Ultimate Truth, that cannot be described in human language, but can be sensed, felt and known in a visceral and ineffable way.
Right now there is a plethora of truths flying around, in regards to the COVID-19 Pandemic. There is always a myriad of truths circulating humanity, but right now is a particularly polarized time because of the centralized focus by the majority of humanity on the same subject. Everyone is being affected by this pandemic and therefore our attention is, in a sense, singular. However, our individual experience, approach and beliefs regarding this collective condition is far from singular. So, the truths experienced are relative to the perceiver.
As we navigate these times we are becoming more aware of our Oneness and at the very same time triggered by our differences. Our Oneness is enhanced and felt in a very tangible way when we recognize how we are all in this together and how essential each part of the whole is to the whole being whole. Simultaneously, the differences in the beliefs we hold true are highlighted because we are all reacting and processing the same crisis/condition in our own unique way.
All that being said, it is crucial at this time for each of us to stand in our own truth with confidence and clarity, unapologetically. At the same time it is equally important that we honor and respect the truths that others hold, even if it is not in alignment with what we know as true for ourself. This can be challenging at times, especially when you believe that the other’s truth will be a threat to you in some way.
For example, you may believe the information that encourages the public to use masks to hinder the spread of the disease. Whereas a family member that you live with may believe that this is ridiculous and totes his own experts that offer conflicting evidence disputing that there is any value in this approach. This can cause a war right in your home. So, while it is challenging, the Divine wants us to know that the opportunity here is for both to stand tall and clear in their truth while simultaneously honoring the other who believes something different.
Truth is not dependent on it being true for all for it to be true at all.
Each being has a unique path that will lead you to the Unified Truth of Love. By honoring our sovereignty and that of another, we can utilize our own personal road map that offers the guidance to live the life our Souls came to live. When we feel pulled and prodded to believe in something that does not resonate with our own Soul, we get lost in the fray and find ourselves wandering in foreign land. The Soul’s path is familiar ground that always feels like home.
So celebrate your truth and by all means celebrate another when they speak and live their own truth. This is something to truly celebrate! For when another finds the home of their Soul, they are at home in themselves and they embody the Beauty of their Being in a way that benefits us all. When each of us is truly aligned with our Soul, we feel loved, lovable, worthy, beautiful, connected, tuned in. We live from this place of Love embodied, and emanate joy, peace, creativity, wisdom, and a reverence for all life. We are no longer in competition with each other, but are inspired to collaborate with one another to experience and share the beauty we recognize in the self and the other.
So right now I keep hearing my Divine Guidance nudging me to look at this idea of relative and ultimate truth and how important it is to really own our individual truth. Live from it. Walk your talk. As you do this you will truly feel and know your power. As long as you stay in a place of reverence for the truth of others and the path it takes them on, you will be able to create and experience the world you desire to live in.
I hope I have been able to express clearly here what I am coming to understand. It feels incredibly profound to me. For so long I think I felt like I needed those I love to understand me, agree with me, join me in my story and experience of life. Somehow I am coming to understand that this is not necessary and in fact the expectation for this becomes a form of bondage. This new way of perceiving things feels incredibly exciting and liberating. It also feels empowering. It really gives me permission to trust my own Inner Authority, without needing someone else to validate it to make it true! As long as we respect others as having their own authority as well and even supporting them in aligning with that, we will see a proliferation of beings who feel worthy, seen, honored and therefore we inspire the best in them to be revealed for us all to behold. ~beki