
I met with Beki during a difficult transition in my life needing some guidance. I had tried so many forms of counseling and non traditional therapies. She was the guest speaker at Unity Church's Reiki practitioner night and hearing the testimonials of using flower essences hooked me in from the first story. Just being around Beki's warm and inviting nature makes you feel so comfortable. I was so impressed that her knowledge from studying and personal use had given her such insight and intuition to choose the perfect Bach flower mix for me. Her methods are solid and I loved watching her consult her teachings while she made what I like to call my "flower potion." Over the course of several months I noticed my need to "people please" was dissipating as well as my incessant guilt and low self-esteem. I'm sure Beki and Bach flower essences had everything to do with it. Hello! It's a flower potion! Of course it's going to work!
I love Beki, what can I say? "
Sarah M.

Beki is wise, loving, pure, luminous, full of integrity and strength. Her gifts as an artist, healer, and Akashic Records consultant are truly exceptional. In her soul portraiture she combines these gifts so that people may learn about themselves and connect with the loving wisdom at depth of their being. It is an incalculable gift to have these messages revealed through Beki's inspired art. Each portrait is unique as is the person's soul journey. I never grow tired of looking at the soul portrait she created for me to find the meanings beyond what words can convey. Its colors and images resonate deeply with me, inspiring and helping me to heal in ways that are a continuing revelation. Heartfelt thanks, Beki, for blessing me profoundly and for the sacred work you do for the world!

"Healers are wise people who have often accrued the gift of healing on their own personal journey to being well. They are rarely all-knowing entities, but often just as human and humble as we all are, living and loving and learning, with a genuine courage and curiosity fed and sustained by Spirit. For me, Beki has always been a healer for these very reasons. She is well learned by her own experiences, thirsty for wholeness and truth. She is a human being plugged into our inherent Divinity, and as such, she listens with her heart and serves so many of us well in doing so. Her work is as layered and complex as our humanity, empowering her to both hold and work in the space with her clients on our behalf. What's more, is the experience of working with Beki is quite often a co-creation. I felt more aware of myself by her careful questioning, more loved by her steady and genuine attention, and more powerful each time that I walked away with a profound remembering of how perfectly supported I am in my divine human living. Her tenderness is penetrating, therapeutic, and unforgettable." ~Dru

"Having my last reading with you was very confirming and uplifting. I am always delighted to see how the Universe shows up in my life--now, with flowers. The flowers are a perfect compliment to my daily attention to my personal growth and well-being. Our sessions allow me to move forward and having your deliberate prompting and the essences, I move with confidence and purpose on my path. I treasure you as a healer and a friend."

“ In 2015 I came to see Beki. I had been suffering from serious postpartum depression and had several irrational fears that made it impossible for me to function. It was a hopeless and horrible state and I had tried everything... Therapy, antidepressants, Ativan with no luck. It was truly one of the most hopeless and lonely places I've ever been in in my life.
The first time I had a session with Beki it felt like a weight had lifted. She seemed to be very connected to the source of love and healing. She suggested several of the Bach flowers and made me a bottle. That day was a turning point for me. I remember the positive thoughts that went thru my mind after months of negativity and hopelessness. Over the course of a two month period I made a complete recovery and felt better than I had felt in a long time. I can only explain it as an opening up to some powerful force of life. I was incredibly grounded and felt connected to my own Divine source. I was able to get off my antidepressants and anxiety medication which was a real pleasure for me. I had such a transformation and sensitivity to the flowers I decided to take a class to get Bach flower certified myself. I have had such an amazing journey and I owe it in large part to the flowers and the love and encouragement Beki shows me. Without the two I think things wouldn't have turned out so beautifully. The flowers hold a special place in my heart (thank you sweet chestnut)and I just wish everyone could benefit from them as I have. thank you Beki, with all my heart! "
~Sarah Mathilda

"I am truly honored to be the first to receive a Soul Portrait by, from and through Beki! And what an amazing experience it has been and still is! I continue to gaze into the portrait everyday and receive more of what my soul reveals to me. It has definitely helped me to create a beautiful and more direct relationship with my Inner Being. What an incredible gift to have to such a beautiful visual and energetic portal into my own True Nature given through the undeniable talent of Beki by the Masters, guides and loved ones of my Akashic Records, all of the sacredly stored information and energy of my soul's journey thus far! Beki is such a beautiful, gentle and humble expression of Spirit and this Energy seems to flow through her so purely with ease and grace. My sessions with her have been powerful and have opened my eyes and my heart to realms I may have never known on my own and have allowed insight into a deeper and profound alignment with my Soul. It has revealed a Light that I am learning to embrace as my gift to share with all of humanity, with all of creation, and with all beings seen and unseen. I am truly and deeply grateful."
Bradely S.

“The experience of having my soul portrait done by Beki was profoundly magical.
In our first session, we opened my Akashic Records followed by the Bach Flowers Consultation. It was a relaxing, delightful conversation, and I started to feel
my soul in a much more tangible way.
The combination of the information that we received from the Records and the use of the flowers, opened up a new and enchanted way for me to connect with my soul… but it wasn’t until I actually viewed my stunning full-color soul portrait that I realized how powerfully this experience would effect me.
Beki’s work is a reminder of our inner and authentic beauty! She is an amazing individual that can translate energy into a masterpiece! Every day, I look at my portrait and it amazes me how easily I can travel within and have a dialogue with my inner being!
I am so appreciative of Beki’s assistance on revealing my Divine Self!"
Warmest regards,

"My session with Beki has helped bring my consciousness to the forefront and allowed me to see my situation with love, compassion, hope and gratitude. With the help of the flower essences, along with the gentle but loving catalyst of Beki's energy work, I have experienced a total shift in my understanding of what is going on in my life. I feel like the veil has been lifted and behind the curtain is something so empowering to my true path in life that I am in awe by the beauty and my own feelings of gratitude. The flower essences have worked with such grace and harmony to recalibrate my patterns so that I was able to reach the next level of clarity about my situation, instead of spinning my wheels in the dirt. Beki has helped me so much in clarifying my questions and direction, and her role in the session was so supportive and insightful -
absolutely what needed."

Beki is truly a gift. I have worked with therapists and coaches for years and have never experienced such genuine transformation in a short period like I have while working with Beki. She has a true gift and creates the most loving, supportive environment when working with her. I feel my soul is being fed every time I work with Beki, and for days following our sessions. I am in awe of her magic and the spiritual guidance I receive every time I talk to her. I highly recommend working with Beki on an ongoing basis as she fills one’s spiritual cup in life-altering ways. ~Lindsay Haug
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