Embody Your Soul

A Soul session is a creative, intuitive, spiritually guided unfolding in which I offer a synergetic blending of vibrational healing modalities to align you with your Soul. While accessing your Akashic Record, a Divine Field of love and support, we receive guidance and insight from your spirit guides as we determine which flower essences would be most effective to support you in your healing, evolution and transformation. The Bach flower essences, which I use to make a personal blend of flower essences for you, work on the emotional and mental bodies and help to remove the blocks to your evolution and wellbeing. While in session I activate the flow of Reiki energy to promote healing and when the session is in person we may include hands-on Reiki as well. You may also receive a Soul Mantra as well as a transmission of Light Language a potent form of sound healing. All modalities work beautifully together and all stand alone as a powerful tool for soul-alignment.
2 hours for $180
1.5 hours : $150
1 hour: $120
Includes a combination of modalities
based on your desire!
Refills or extra bottle of flower essence remedy: $25
or VIRTUALLY on Zoom or FaceTime OR phone
VENMO @ beki-crowell or PAYPAL @ email bekicrowell@hotmail.com
Life happens! I understand. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice than full fee for session is due. Thank you for understanding.

is a healing technique in which the practitioner activates the flow of Divine energy and channels it to the client either through direct touch, hovering hands over the body or sending remotely. The practitioner has been attuned to the lineage of Reiki, a specific healing art that originate from Japan, and with training is able to tap into the collective momentum of this cultivated healing energy and intention and offer this to the client . Reiki initiates the alignment and balance for the natural healing process to happen from within.
Akashic Records
is a vibrational record of your Soul's journey and holds all feelings, actions, words, experiences of your soul in all time and space. By consulting this divine body of wisdom, we are able to receive a deep spiritual perspective that offers profound insights and guidance to support us in our current life experience.
Bach Flower Essences
are a form of vibrational medicine that is completely natural, formulated from flowers to be taken orally. The essences can have profound results in aligning you to your True and natural state of wellbeing. Working purely on emotional and mental states, the flower essences are not a remedy for physical conditions, but very often, when balance is restored at the emotional level, the body is able to heal more easily. During a Soul Session Beki will determine the appropriate combination of remedies to use for your personal blossoming.
Soul Mantra
The Soul Mantra is a very particular and potent form of healing that was revealed to me as a way to offer the transmissions of my Soul language. The frequencies of this unique form of Light Language are delivered through the sacred breath of creation and wholeness offering vibrational healing, through sound therapy. When I am divinely inspired, I will write a mantra specifically for you to support you in your transformation. The mantra may either be offered in the soul language and/or translated into english.

Soul Portraits
The Soul Portrait is an extraordinary offering in which Beki accesses your Akashic Record and receives guidance by your own Soul to create a sacred transmission of your Divine Self on canvas. In a sense, it is your own Divine Self sending you a beautifully encoded message held within the frequencies reflected in the colors, shapes and symbols. This painting is created for healing, evolution and soul embodiment.
Portraits begin at $1200
for an original oil painting on gallery wrapped stretched canvas.
Fees vary depending on size
Soul Portrait includes a consultation and a
unveiling ceremony or follow up session
after receiving your Soul portrait.

Children and Pets
Pregnancy and Birthing
End of Life Transistions
Bach Flower Essences

Bach Flowers are not only an invaluable resource for bringing balance and wellbeing to ourselves, but they offer a safe, effective approach to healing, comfort and transformation for our beloved children and pets as well. They  are also extremely helpful during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum and can be a profound support for any major life transition including the sacred journey back home during end of physical life. Transformation in children can be very rapid and at times miraculous since their patterns tend to be less chronic than with adults. When consulting with the concerned parent, we will determine together the appropriate remedies to support them with a variety of issues, including but not limited to, all forms of anxiety, depression, grief,  impatience, lack of motivation, lack of focus, self-doubt, overthinking, perfectionism, intolerance of others, overwhelm etc. As for our furry children, Bach flowers have been treating them as long as their human counterparts. It is not uncommon for veterinarians to suggest Rescue Remedy (a Bach Flower blend) for the animals they treat. For a more specific treatment I offer guidance in creating a blend to target the concerns you have for your pets who often carry the burden of the emotional and mental patterns of their human gaurdians. ​In the case of the major life transitions, such as birth and death, I can consult with the loved ones if the person moving through the transition is unable to communicate themselves. Of course, the flower essences can also support those who are indirectly affected by the transition of their loved ones. The benefits of the flower essences are truly unlimited. ​ ​