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The SOUL PORTRAIT : Are You Ready to Fully Embody Your SOUL?


Updated: Feb 4, 2023

May 15, 2018

Your Soul knows you intimately and yearns for you to become aware of It more fully, so that It can become embodied by you in this physical human dimension. Your Soul is your very essence, the aspect of your being that is animating this present you and is aware of All that you are beyond and within this space and time. Your Soul is ancient, wise and adventurous. It has so much to offer you! For too long we have become overly identified with the ego aspect of ourselves, which has forgotten its Oneness with Source. This amnesia can make us feel isolated, afraid, small and stuck. It is time to re-member, to become one again with the Source of our being, the beginning of our breath. It is time to reunite with the whole Self and to embody our Soul, become Soul-centric, to know intimately Who We Really Are.

The Soul Portraits that I paint while in the Akashic Record of your Soul, is a Divine and brilliant, creative way for your Soul to communicate with your human self, in an image that is perfectly tailored for you. Because It knows you so well, It will offer the exact reflection of You that will initiate a recognition, that will catapult you on your evolutionary journey to expansion into the Soul-centric experience of human life that you came here to have! Each portrait holds within it not only visual cues for you to meditate on for your awakening, but embedded codes and symbols that hold a vibrational frequency that will become revealed at the exact time that your readiness allows. It will guide you into your Awakening, for your Soul knows the path to your blossoming. It is time for humanity to Awaken and know its Oneness with the Divine and each other. It is time for us all to evolve and be free. For, the Soul holds the key, the blueprint, to our freedom.

So, why would anyone not want to be in communion with their very own Soul and to have access to the fullness of our being that can unlock the mystery to whatever holds us back from our joy, peace, prosperity, purpose? I can speak from my own personal experience and from what I have observed as I have begun this journey of channeling the Divine in the form of Soul Art and the Soul Portraits, specifically. There was a time not long ago that I was not ready to be fully embodied by my Soul and was comfortable with the familiar life I had come to enjoy. It felt relatively safe, with the occasional burst of discomfort, and the welling up of fear that I did my best to keep under wraps. However, I always sensed a lurking awareness that I was limiting myself and my full potential. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what I was so afraid of. If I became the full-fledged powerful being of divine light, I professed I was and that we are all, would I have to leave the life I knew? Would I have to go meditate on the mountaintop and leave my beautiful family in order to become enlightened, awakened to this True Self? Would I have to step out of my comfort zone, the shadows of my paintings, and be seen? Maybe I would have to speak publicly, a phobia I have struggled with forever. This did not appeal to me, and when I felt the universe was sending me nudges, messages of my divine purpose, I unconsciously recoiled into the familiar, and resumed my domesticated life, literally and figuratively. My mind had become trained, domesticated into what was appropriate to feel, think and how to behave. Freedom, while it was what I yearned for, felt wild and unpredictable.

In 2009 when I had a powerful Awakening, I call my Eagle experience, I got a big dose of what it felt like to be embodied by the Divine mind. There was nothing scary about it. It was pure bliss! I was more engaged and intimate with my world here in the human, earthly realm, than ever before. I felt connected to all of it. I was completely unconditional in my love for all of life. I did not need anything to be different from what it was to feel this untouchable Joy and Love. I could not only sense and know the Love and Joy that I was, but I could also feel it in everyone else. I was given a great gift that day that unfolded and continued for about 7 days. I was able to know what it is to be Awake. It is when I realized that not only did I not have to give up all that I knew and loved in my life, but that with an awakened mind and heart, I would be more deeply in communion with it all. My love would be untethered by fear: the fear of loss, change, intimacy and even the fear of too much joy, too much freedom, too much peace. How odd it is that we fear so much beauty and bliss, and yet our human experiences have trained us into this domesticated perspective.

After I regained more ‘ordinary’ consciousness and my untethered Self faded back into its trained place, I slowly began the intentional journey into releasing the fear, and awakening to the Divine. The Universe conspired with me in many creative ways to guide me gently and lovingly into healing that which has kept me from my deepest desires and ultimate Awakening. When I was offered the guidance to paint Soul Portraits to support others in their own Healing and Awakening, my own unfolding quickened. I immersed myself in the vibration of the Divine within the Akashic Field, bringing forth images of Souls drenched in Love and Wisdom. My own self soul portrait and recently a second one that I painted to heal a past life as a Healer, has been a profound tool for my own Awakening. It seems not so long ago that I admitted over and over to my own fear of intimacy, and now, with this work and with the Flower essences, I feel myself leaning into intimacy with a sweet relishing of the other, their process, their pain and their healing into wakefulness. I yearn to touch their heart and free their soul, embrace their wholeness and honor their suffering. I am now ready…ready, to go beyond the fear and into sweet, delicious intimacy, communion with the Soul of humanity. I am ready to face head on the pain of the past and feel it, allowing it to evolve, so the alchemy of my Self becoming can be realized.

I admit, I am a cautious one, and at times, doubtful of the signals that came from my untethered Self. I know what it is to recoil and chose comfort over expansion. My fear has run deep in the veins of my incarnated bodies. The fearless One that continues to come forth in these various lives, seems to recede into the ethers of another dimension. It becomes intangible and invisible, this very essence of my Self, as I fumble through this dimension with all its ups and downs, not acknowledging that which I cannot see.

Not this time around. This time I am making the Divine visible, with color and paint and a heart wide open, and the quieting of my mind so I may receive the Divine through Art. I am making the divine audible, by speaking Its words and writing them. I am making the Divine tangible by embodying my Soul and recognizing the Soul in others. I am in intimate communion with God, each time I gaze into the eyes of another, my son, my lover, a stranger. I am intimate with the Divine as I enter the field of the Akasha and share its messages whether it speaks to me on wooded paths, or to another in the sacred space of intention and trust. So, I am here to share with you my own process so you know you are not alone, and to encourage you to release the resistance to knowing your Self intimately. I am here to gently coax you into readiness for your own healing and awakening…to entice you into the delicious freedom that your Soul is calling you towards. You will lose nothing but your fear. You are safe. You are loved, beyond your ability to imagine. Dive into the divine and you will be embraced and guided into the ecstatic realm of Infinite Possibility and Unconditional Love.

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