The Emergence within the Emergency
I feel that within this whirling maelstrom of information, it is important that we have access to a different perspective, the Soul-view. I find that in order for me to navigate the most difficult times, I am soothed, reassured, reminded, inspired and empowered when I tune in to my Divine Guidance. Every day I enter into communion with the Divine, through a sacred ritual and prayer that accesses the Source of wisdom and Love within the Akasha. I share this with you in hopes that it offers you some insight and peace as it did for me. Stay well. Stay connected. Be brave. We got this!
Strange times. It feels like we are in a movie; apocalyptic, sci-fi. It is so surreal and yet, in this moment, the sun shines, spring is budding fresh green brilliance and flowering colors everywhere. All is well in my personal reality, but the projections of crisis, doomsday, are rampant. Everything is being cancelled. Graduations, school, sports seasons, art festivals, gatherings of all kinds. We are being encouraged to what is called social distancing so that we protect ourselves and our loved ones from this imminent spread of COVID-19 global pandemic. There is so much fear and confusion. We are not just dealing with the issue of sickness and loss of life, but also loss the of livelihood for many. The economic fallout will be severe for so many, particularly those who are poor, sick, unstable in their lives in any way. How do we move through this? Will we be okay?
Divine Guidance:
Remember, dear ones, you are unlimited beings, divine in nature, infinite and eternal. There is nothing that can touch this Truth. There is nothing that can stop you from being. YOU are the creators of your reality, individually, and at some level collectively. Your responsibility in the collective reality is really based mostly on how much or little you activate your inner power as an individual creator. As you punt and follow the current of the collective consciousness demonstrating whatever it is, such as fear, hysteria, paranoia, greed, and hopelessness, then you will succumb to the reality that you perceive.
To be a deliberate, conscious creator, you must reject the aspects of collective consciousness that do not align with your vision. In other words, you must not give attention and energy to the manifestations and thought patterns that are not serving the creation you wish to realize. Be mindful of how you buy into the story of what is showing up in your current collective reality. Non of the manifestations that are occurring are intrinsically real or true. They are made true and real by your attention to it. (NOTE: This is divine truth, not human perception that tends to observe reality rather than realize that our observation is keeping that reality solid and real. Quantum physics speaks to this phenomena. This is not intentional of course, but a result of unconsciousness. We have forgotten that we are creators)
Focus on your own vision, your own creation. What do you desire to see in your world right now? What do you want to create for yourself and your community? Steer away from those who feed off of fear, who may distract you or influence you to fear. This prescribed ‘social distancing’ can be very useful for this reason. Use it to your advantage! Yet, stay connected to those who feed your vision, build on it, inspire more brilliance and beauty to expand upon it.
This is a good time to discern what you will and will not engage in and with whom. As you take space from the flow of normal life, take time to get clear. Craft your vision of what you want to elevate in your world. Be the Divine architects that you are meant to be. We would recommend that you be extra vigilant right now with the rampant fear energies that are feed by the information sources you have access to. As you navigate the physical reality, follow the guidelines that allow you to participate within the current collective reality in a way that is respectful and mindful.
As you wash your hands, remember that you are cleansing the frequencies of fear from your body. As you eat with more consciousness to keep your body healthy to keep your immune system robust, be even more mindful of what thoughts and beliefs you ingest that rob you from a healthy state of mind. As you keep your physical distance from others, lean into intimacy with the non-physical dimension. Connect deeply with Source, Soul, God. Embrace Love. And by all means, lean into the heart and soul of humanity. Recognize and feel your connectivity with humanity and hold the beings, embodied on earth at this time, close to your heart. Let this be a time of cultivating less distance from you and You. Meet with your Soul often. Stay connected as you take space.
This is the best time to be physically reconnected to the earth. Sit on her, dig into her, sing to hear, dance on her, walk with her. Listen to the whispers of her sweet song, her wisdom, nourishing and nurturing gifts. Let yourself be caressed by the Mother Earth. Let her body touch yours. As you move away from human touch, become more intimate with the earth. Love her as she Loves you.
There is something magical happening within the contraction that now ensues and engulfs humanity. Alchemy is at hand and new reality will soon be revealed. For each individual it will look different. Each of you, in your own way, is calling forth transformation. Each of you are dying to the old and giving birth to a new life, a new earth. The labor of this moment will be felt in unique ways for each of you. The more you resist, the more arduous the labor. Resistance is fueled by fear. Surrender to this process. It is happening whether you think you want it or not. Allow the divine energy of Life to propel this labor and life forward. Breathe, relax, open so the emergence within the emergency can occur without too much discomfort and pain. You can do this! Allow your Soul to embrace you as you ride the waves of these contractions.
Remember who you are. You are a Divine being of Love and Light. You are unlimited, eternal, infinite and free. You are so much more than this beautiful body and human mind. Become whole and you will wholly know your holiness and the sacred holiness of all that is expressed in the physical world you inhabit. There is nothing that is happening in this time and moment that your Soul is not ready for.
Remember Love. Stay aligned to the frequency of Divine Love and you will stay connected to your own Soul. Embody this Love, emanate it and you will be a healing elixir unto the world. As you ride the wave of this collective contraction, focus your eyes on the horizon of your beautiful vision for the new earth, for an awakened humanity. Feel the joy, anticipation, possibilities, stunning beauty and deep peace contained within this vision. Feel it NOW.
All of you creative, brave souls who are able to do this are healers, visionaries, creators of the new world. You are accessing the infinite power of the Universe. You are levied by the ineffable beauty of divine Love. The wind is at your back, and while the waves are choppy, your Inner being, that you meet with each day, sits peacefully within the still depths of the warm sea.
Imagine the best possible vision you can conjure. In regards to all that you are concerned about, see and feel the infinite expansion of beauty within these conditions. And then, remember, again, who you are. Remember the power of You. As you remember you will know that this vision must be realized.
In deep Love and Oneness