The following is a beautiful transmission offered to me by my Divine Guidance while I am in my own Akashic Records. Often I open my records and then ask a question to the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones and then ‘channel’ the answer by writing in my journal. This has been a wonderful and enlightening practice that I have been doing for many years now. It has been very helpful in accessing a deeper wisdom that really is at the core of my being. My Guides work with me to unveil my own knowing. For this I am very grateful. Yesterday was Mother’s Day 2016. This is how I began my day. Sitting on my back porch surrounded by my personal garden paradise, I take a moment to meditate and then open the Akashic Records.
Me: I am feeling an underlying sadness. Not sure what it is all about. Woke up with a little pang of anxiety, something I have not felt in a really long time. I would appreciate your help so I can get some clarity.
MTLO (Masters, Teachers, Loved Ones): Blessings dear child. You are entering a phase of deep remembering. You are holding the heart of mother’s in yours. It is heavy with both sorrow and love. Mother’s weep everywhere for the awakening of this planet’s inhabitants. The Mother Earth holds you all with deep love and care and yet she is incensed by your wild adolescent disregard, your narcissism that renders her lands disrespected.
She is shedding the old you, like the lizard, green like spring leaves, sheds it old skin. She is shaking you up, opening your hearts and piercing the shield that has inebriated your mind, keeping you from recognizing your Soul.
Your Great Mother loves you Unconditionally and embraces the essence of humanity in her massive brown body, weighed down by the waters of her deep blue sea of tears. She will not forsake you in your childish tantrums, but she will coax you awake with her winds and fires and trembling lands. And if you continue your flailing and screaming your rants of fear, separation, possessiveness, she will erupt mountain tops to bring you back to your senses.
You sense the mother that weeps for her children, as you carry the imprint of the mother gene in every living cell of your body. You know and feel the aching of the earth and your human sisters that yearn for your children to Awaken to the Love that they are. You know the deep desire that the Mother holds to feed her children all that nourishes their bodies, minds and souls.
The Mother Soul you inhabit is not just the human individual self that strives to balance this sacred role on earth, but she is the collective Soul that sits in the core of the earth and is born of the Divine Feminine.
This Mother Soul is wild and sensual, fierce and determined. She is soft and nurturing, steady and committed. She is utterly creative and her strength is unrivaled in the Universe.
Today on this day that the Mother is honored, you feel her Heart in your heart and your desire to weep is the yearning to release all the fullness that overflows the great breadth of her loving chalice.
Your own vessel cannot hold the massiveness of love and gratitude that you feel for the Mother Soul. It cannot contain the tendrils of her Love that reach out like roots extending to the core of the earth.
You yourself born of mother, belong to the mother, just as you are mother yourself. The intricate web of love embodied by the Divine Feminine courses through your veins and roots you to her heart.
Surrender to her, for she will nurture you and guide you and prepare you for your flight. Let go and trust, for she is the bridge between the Unlimited Divine and the brilliant flesh of life. She will show you how to live on earth embodied by your Soul. She will show you the Divine, living within the manifested world.
And when you surrender to her love, her wisdom, you will at last, be free!
Happy Mother’s Day beautiful Soul Mother. We honor and celebrate you in all ways!