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ONE oil on canvas by Beki


My Divine Guidance (DG) has repeatedly urged me to stay focused on Beauty. “Seek, see and feel beauty everywhere and in everything, especially where it is hard to see”, they would say to me over and over again. I write every morning and commune with this DG and the clarity of their message is unmistakable and consistent.

In times like these, well, in all times on earth, it may seem irresponsible or Pollyanna or spiritual-bypassing to not focus on the very serious conditions we face as humanity plows down a perilous road towards extinction. As a daughter of social activists, I am acutely aware of many of the perils and injustices we face. I have been trained into this awareness and have cultivated a sense of social responsibility, along with a natural compassion for the suffering of others. As an empath, I have felt in my body, and my heart the achy pain that I perceive the other is encountering. The urge to jump in and rally against the injustices bubbles in me, and yet for as long as I remember something in me has pulled me back, restraining me from the urge. When I was younger it was my shyness and terror of public speaking that made it virtually impossible to speak up.

Now I understand what I didn’t then. Now as I feel more freedom in my voice and confidence to share my thoughts and passion with spoken words, I also have a deeper connection to the Inner Voice of my Divine Self and the Infinite Intelligence that guides me. It keeps telling me that the way of the social activist is not my path. In lives lived in a different time and space I experienced myself as a passionate activist fighting for change. My DG consistently tells me that in this life I am meant to take a different path. I was given the physical and emotional constitution that would discourage me from entering the outer struggle for social justice, yet my desire for transformation in the human collective reality would continue to inform my life and desires.

This path of the sacred activist, the holder of Beauty, is what is being revealed to me, as a way to channel this deep desire and passion I feel for serving to uplift humanity and restore wellbeing to our bodies and the earth. I realize that there are many ways to affect change and if we follow our deepest most inner guidance then we will know what our most authentic path is.

I share my path with you, in case you too may be called to a different path from what perhaps you felt drawn to based on the culture of your family or society. You may feel confused or lost as to how to be most authentically you while mining the expectations you perceive as hindering you. Once we find our authentic, natural way of being, feeling, expressing, then we begin to connect with the guidance that informs us of the perfect path for us. This is the path that becomes the most profoundly powerful gift we have to offer the collective for our evolution and expansion.

My DG repeatedly reminds me of the importance of my path: the path of Beauty. For, if I can master the art of seeing and feeling Beauty in All then I am able to see through this the eyes of the Divine. I am able to remind myself and others of the true nature of Life, of our Beingness. I am able to know that our very essence is Beauty and Love. If I can see this essential nature, then I become a revealer of this Beauty. I become a mirror, a reminder for the other to remember, re-member, so they may know their wholeness and interconnection with all of Life. This is key to ending the suffering within, and when we no longer suffer we act and live from the Love that we are.

As I walk this sacred path of remembering I am challenged to look away from what seems like the obvious, so that I can tune my receptors to the frequencies not so easily seen or felt. I must train myself to sense the subtle, invisible dimension from which all form emerges. This is the creative and infinite field of possibility. As I have honed my sensitivity to this dimension it is increasingly intense in its palpability. It is teeming with energy that gives my body ripples of resonance-bumps and electric sensations. This dimension is not the land of “ignorance is bliss”, nor the cool, yet suffocating, ‘head in the sand’ land. It is a dimension that is more real than the one that we perceive with our physical senses.

At a subatomic level, everything that we perceive as matter is actually “99.9999999999999% empty space.” I first learned this when I read You Are the Placebo by Dr. Joe Dispenza. When I read the chapter, The Quantum Mind, I cried, because for the first time I really felt I understood this very complex concept within the study of Quantum physics. My quantum mind opened up. He continues to say:

“But, that space isn’t really empty. It’s actually filled with energy. More specifically, it’s made up of a vast array of energy frequencies that form a kind of invisible, interconnected field of information. So if every atom is 99.999999999999% energy or information that means that our known universe and everything in it —no matter how solid that matter may appear to us — is essentially just energy and information. That’s a scientific fact.”

He goes on to describe the “Observer Effect”, which is another quantum reality in which scientists have discovered “that physical matter cannot exist or manifest until we observe it—until we notice or give it our attention. And when we are no longer paying attention to it, it vanishes, going back from whence it came. So matter is constantly transforming, oscillating between manifesting into matter and disappearing into energy.”

So when I speak of the unseen dimension, the dark void of infinite possibility, I am not simply being philosophical, poetic, or spiritual. I am, like many mystics and healers for before me, describing a literal reality that only in the last century or so science is evolving to catch up with this ancient knowing. It is a very exciting time. So the sacred practice of tuning into this dimension, this quantum field, that I consider Divine Creative Source Energy, is no small thing. It is indeed an approach to transforming matter/reality. It requires a great deal of focus, intention, and awareness not to be distracted by the world of matter and form, especially when we find it unacceptable, deplorable, or dangerous. To ‘turn the other cheek’ takes great discipline and is a feat accomplished by few. The masters of our human race, such as our beloved Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. were able to hold steadfast in the sacred practice of Unconditional Love, which required them to stay fully aligned to Love regardless of the unwanted conditions. They understood, at some level, that to become consumed by the condition would hinder them from realizing the reality they sought to embody and see reflected in the world of form.

This path of the sacred activist can give birth to the social activist or vice versa, and often the two are exclusively practiced, depending on the nature of the individual. Both are critical parts of the whole and both are equally beautiful expressions of the Soul. When we are true to our own unique nature we are able to find our authentic path and realize our inner power. This is an individual awakening and the journey is a solo one. While we can elicit support, just as our journey through the birth canal and our journey through the death process, is essentially a solo experience, so is our journey of awakening.

We now sit at the precipice of a new possibility of a new world, that can be created either by observing the myriad of distracting realities or by creating something completely new by the focus of our desires, our intentions, and the essence of our true Divine nature which is Love. Let us use our awareness of that which is unwanted as the fodder to fuel the desire. But let us not become disillusioned or keep our attention on that which fuels fear and despair. We must keep our wits about us if we are to create, from the Infinite Quantum Field, the reality we want for ourselves and our global family. It is the time of many masters, not just a few. It is time to take our heads out of the sand and put our minds and hearts on the work of seeing a new possibility.

This requires removing our attention from what is and trusting and knowing that we can co-create from no thing, the things of matter that matter most to us. So know this, your dreaming, imagining, and feeling into the joy, freedom, peace, beauty, wisdom, and Love that you desire to see and be felt in the world, is truly a powerful approach to effecting change. It is the fuel of creation and transformation.

So play, dance, create, meditate, collaborate, envision! And, by all means, seek, see and feel beauty everywhere and especially where it is hard to see it.

In Love and Oneness I am

Celebrate What’s Right With The World A TED talk with Dewitt Jones “Change Your Lens, Change Your Perspective”

Enjoy this video that reminds us of the BEAUTY that is everywhere!

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