I am very excited to be starting my first blog as I am launching my new website to reflect my personal, spiritual and professional evolution over the past 10 years since I created my last website that was a showcase for my work as an artist. Now, I embark on a powerful new chapter in my life as I bring together my passion for spiritual matters, vibrational healing, Awakening to your Divine Self, creative and artistic expression through writing and painting. I feel as though I have come to a crossroads where all my interests have found a synergy like never before. Launching my new website http://www.bekiart.com is my way of really stepping in to this new innovative approach to my work and what I feel is truly my life purpose.
My name is Beki. I am in my 50th year of life, in this physical incarnation and I am feeling that this will be one of the most amazing ones yet! I have been creating art my whole life. When I was 17 years old, I painted the piece of art that made me know that I was an ‘artist’. You may think this is rather young, but already I had sold some pieces while in high school and had been in a couple art shows. I went to high school in Nassau, Bahamas where my mom was my art teacher. I graduated when I was 16 and was in University in Windsor, Ontario, where my dad taught social ethics and human rights, when I began my divine journey into ‘Soul Art’.
I went to visit my mom in Ohio, where she lived at the time, and she instructed me to paint without using a reference to copy from. She called it the ‘meditative method’. Essentially she asked me to paint purely for the process and not the end product. She gave me a walkman with earphones, canvas on an easel, paints and left the house. The magic words were, ‘and you don’t even have to show it to me when you are done’. That freed me up. I really had not realized how much my self-worth was wrapped up in receiving praise from my art.
I went into a meditation, which she had trained us to do in high school, but I rarely did, turned up the music and got lost in another dimension. I painted for three hours completely present to the moment. I felt this freedom and exhilaration as I watched the image emerge on the canvas. I had found my authentic voice and it was one that came from what I now know is my SOUL. Once my soul found her way to my canvas she never left me. I never went back to the old way of creating art for approval and the more realistic approach to painting quickly dwindled. This was truly the beginning of my creating Soul Art, painting from the soul for the soul. Every time I sat to the blank canvas I opened up to this Divine force, and waited for the guidance. It always came, and what I noticed was that the more I ‘got out of the way’ the happier I was with the process and the creation.
At the time I named this painting ‘Silent Scream’ and more recently renamed her ‘Awakening’. Interestingly, while her scream was inaudible, my Soul had found her voice in the bold, fierce, sensual, intensity that was undeniably palpable and wildly vibrant! She would be seen and felt from this point on. Now, from my evolved vantage point, I realize that this image reflects the ‘Awakening’ that had occurred in me in that moment. I had become Awakened to my very own Soul.
My artistic process has been the most invaluable tool in preparing for the work I have embarked on and am now ready to share with you and the world. Little did I know that day in my mom’s small kitchen studio, 33 years ago, that I had painted my first Soul (self)Portrait, and that I would be divinely guided to create Soul Portraits for others so that they could be revealed and Awakened to their Divine Self for their healing and spiritual evolution in the most profound and creative way.
The way in which I am able to activate this unique process is by accessing the Soul of the person by opening their Akashic Record for the purpose of creating this portrait. I have been training in this work for many years through ‘spirit writing’ and more recently have been practicing this work while consulting people with the Bach Flower Essences. The Akashic Records essentially are an etheric ‘record’ of the soul, from inception, containing the information of all thoughts, feelings and actions, past present and potential future. While my access to the Divine Realm during painting is completely natural and assured, this ritual of opening the Records is extremely powerful and poignant in accessing the specific information for this particular being.
The irony of this latest development in my artistic and spiritual evolution, is that I specifically stayed away from the notion of painting portraits, because I felt it was too much about pleasing others by creating a depiction of them that they were happy with. After my Awakening with my art, I never again painted for approval and portrait art seemed the antithesis of my Soul art. You see, my mother is a brilliant portrait artist. She is able to capture more than the outer appearance of her subject and truly has a gift of bringing forth the inner being while creating a realistic rendition of their physical self. She even created a process called portrait therapy, that engages the person during the process of creating their emerging image on canvas. Still, I had an aversion to the thought of doing a commissioned piece of work, especially a portrait, because people can really get caught in their ego when it comes to self image.
Well obviously, the Universe had different plans for me, and found a way to bring my work to the personal and intimate exchange with another through the egoless approach to portrait art by surpassing the human physical image altogether and entering the magical realm of depicting the ethereal and intangible Soul Self in a palpable visual and utterly creative expression. In truth, I am channeling the Soul’s depiction of Itself for itself. In order to receive the fullness and potency of this offering, the ego must be set aside. Profound reunion with your Soul is then possible.
So this is just one aspect of the brilliant unfolding and Awakening that is occurring in my life right now, and I look forward to sharing more with you in this blog format as well as through my new website that my wonderful and creative husband, Sherman helped me to create. I am so blessed and grateful to all those who have shared in this beautiful journey of this human experience with me and for the divine guidance that has always been with me and that I am becoming more and more aware of each day.
Please go to my beautiful website and explore the wonders of vibrant color, sensual expressions, spiritual healing and inspired evolution. There, you will see samples of the Soul portraits and more.
In deep gratitude for the Divine realm of infinite possibility and Unconditional Love